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Robert Rashkow

Rob Rashkow - Artist Statement pic 2.jpg

Art Creation provides me a tangible means to offer my vision and one that evokes a feeling or invites the viewer to take a closer look.

Whether Cuban inspired concepts or ornithological themes I visually explore subject matter that stimulate my imagination.


I strive to produce works with variations of reality and playfulness appealing to the dilettante and art sophisticate alike.


My current series of work pays homage to world renown visual artists, such as "Staple Gun Queen" depicting Robert Rauschenberg.

As a Chicagoan, this new series is influenced by the Chicago" Imagist Style" with touches of nostalgia and mystery. 

By using a variety of mixed media: acrylic, pastel, grease pencil, collage etc. I can create a tactile,multi layered, diverse final image.

Although the outcome of my work is essential, problem solving and the act of discovery is of primary importance.

You explore concepts and things that interest you, but you are also examining inside of yourself!

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